Contribute Content to Performance BIM Marketplace

Quality, curated digital content creation takes time and thoughtful planning.  Performance BIM has developed detailed templates and standards to ensure consistency and ease of use.  We want to make these templates and standards available to our community to build an extensive library to serve the Live Entertainment industry.

Desired Contributor Skills

Industry Experience

Do you have experience in the Entertainment Industry?  We believe a thorough understanding of the products being digitized is critical to their successful implementation.

Software Familiarity

Are you experienced with Autodesk Revit?  Are you interested in contributing other content types that can help our community? Our team will work with a you to integrate templates and standards.

Attention to Detail

The devil is in the Details!  We are not perfect, and we don’t expect contributions to be (well, maybe not the first time!)  Conforming to the Performance BIM standards ensures a quality level to site visitors.

Minimum Revit Family Requirements

A small sampling of Performance BIM's standards

Interested contributing to the Community? Contact Us so that we can discuss publishing your content.